Myklebust Verft has entered into a major conversion contract

Myklebust Verft has entered into a significant conversion contract with Island Offshore. The supply vessel MV Island Condor is set to undergo a transformation from a supply vessel to a construction vessel. MV Island Condor was originally constructed at Vard Brevik and delivered to the shipping company in 2014.

MV Island Condor is scheduled to arrive at the shipyard in early April 2024. During a 5-month stay, the vessel will be lengthened in the midsection, including interior modifications, and equipped with an offshore crane and a helideck. Additionally, an ROV hangar will be constructed, and the vessel will be fitted with a larger battery pack. After delivery in August 2024, the vessel is planned to go straight into operation. For both the shipyard and the shipping company, it has been important to leverage suppliers of equipment and services from the local maritime cluster.

“ We are pleased that Island Offshore has once again chosen Myklebust Verft as a partner. The collaborative relationship between Island Offshore and Myklebust extends far back in time. It is another vote of confidence from the shipping company that we have been chosen again for such a significant and important project," says Kristin Hide, CEO of Myklebust Verft.

Contact Information:
Kristin Hide
Myklebust Verft AS
Mobile +47 992 71 42

Merethe Hjertø Flusund2023