
Myklebust Verft aims to be a company that achieves economic growth and profitability through sustainable solutions for employees, customers, suppliers, and the local community. We believe the key to success lies in openness and close collaboration with those around us. Through our sustainability strategy and report, we aim to share insights, facilitate transparency, and provide opportunities for influence to all our stakeholders. A crucial aspect of sustainability is being clear about the goals, requirements, and expectations for all relationships the organisation is a part of.



Myklebust aims to contribute to a value chain that respects decent working conditions and fundamental human rights. The Transparency Act took effect on 1st July 2022, requiring companies to conduct due diligence to uncover and, if necessary, avoid adverse consequences within their operations, in the supply chain, or among other business connections.



Myklebust Verft’s HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) policy is to be integrated into a context that transforms our operations into workplaces where employees thrive, laws are adhered to, customers are satisfied, and operations are profitable.

HSE practices at Myklebust shall promote:

  • Promotion of a positive working environment

  • Ensuring the safety of employees

  • Protection against health and environmental harm from products and work processes

  • Prevention of pollution to the external environment

Key HSE figures for 2022:

  • Sick leave: 6.45%

  • Number of injuries resulting in absence: 6

  • Sorting rate (goal 90%): 82.75%


Our operations impact the local surroundings through production facilities and globally as the ships we manufacture operate worldwide. We aim to control the environmental impact of our business and operate in a way that minimises negative effects.


  • We will actively work towards achieving the established sustainability goals.

  • We will adhere to public environmental requirements applicable to our operations.

  • Our activities should result in the least possible environmental inconvenience for our surroundings.

  • We will establish clear environmental goals based on risk analyses, along with a program for their follow-up.

  • We will strive for continuous improvement of our environmental performance.

  • We will ensure that everyone in our organisations is familiar with our environmental goals and understands how we work to control our environmental impact.

  • We communicate our environmental performance internally and externally.

Myklebust Verft has an environmental guarantee from Tussa Energi.

Myklebust Verft is certified according to the quality standard ISO 9001:2015 and the environmental standard ISO 14001:2015.


For both old and new customers, together with our partners, we aim to be a good and reliable shipyard to turn to.

  • Through dialogue and collaboration, we will ensure quality at every stage and build trust with our customers.

  • Our goal is for the customer to experience that we are trustworthy, delivering high-quality products and services on time and meeting their requirements and expectations.

  • The quality of the work we deliver should be a competitive advantage for us.

  • We aim to get things right the first time and have efficient systems for knowledge transfer.

  • We will systematically develop both practical knowledge within the organisation and high formal/theoretical competence.

  • We will actively work to continuously improve our processes, services, and products.


Shared responsibility

Myklebust Verft is a member of various industry associations. In this context, we engage to listen to our counterparts in the industry attentively and actively contribute to shaping industry frameworks, with a particular focus on the maritime sector.

As an approved apprenticeship company, we bring the next generation of shipbuilders into the maritime cluster. This allows us to continue delivering the ships demanded by the future.

Myklebust Verft is an approved apprenticeship company in the following fields:

  • Industrial Mechanic

  • Industrial Plumbing

  • Platework